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Starting Cycles

- for all mothers -

By doing the work to address our own well-being, we can start positive generational cycles that will radiate forward.

Generational well-being starts with you.

The science is clear: our children's brain wire to our brains. And so, any happiness, success, thriving, any facet of well-being we want them to have, needs to be wired into their brains through first being wired into ours.


You need to be who you want your child to become.

I'm so glad you're here...

My name is Katherine.

I am an applied positive psychology practitioner, post partum well-being coach, a mother, and a woman on a mission to change the course of the collective psyche of the adults of our future by helping mothers start cycles of generational well-being in their families.

"Attachment establishes an interpersonal relationship that helps the immature brain of the baby to use the mature functions of the parent to organize its own processes."

Daniel J. Siegal, The Developing Mind, p. 167


We know more today than ever about what it takes to break negative generational patterns. 

And there is a movement of women around the world dedicated to applying this knowledge to raise kids who feel whole inside.


I proudly count myself among them, and Starting Cycles is part of that movement.


​"There is no single effort more radical in its potential for saving the world than a transformation of the way we raise our children." - Marianne Williamson


I'm here to bring you:

Working one on one to break negative generational cycles.

1-on-1 Coaching

There is no doubt that to be the best parent, you need to be your best self. 


We need to remember that we are not just mothers, we are women first, who now, are also mothers. 


I coach women who are struggling with any aspect of motherhood to become their best selves, in this new context, so that they can be the best parents.

Our positivity radiates out and starts cycles of generational well-being in those around us.


This is where I introduce you to the science of positive psychology in order to show you how it is the key to starting cycles of generational well-being in our families.


I offer you a combination of research focused solo episodes and engaging interviews with mothers worldwide who talk about the reality of what breaking patterns and raising whole children looks like in real life.

By focusing on ourselves, we can break negative generational patterns and start cycles of well-being that will radiate out

The Starting Cycles Program

This is where I formally teach you the science of positive psychology.


Our children’s brains wire to our brains. And so, any happiness, success, thriving, any facet of well-being we want them to have, needs to be wired into their brains through first being wired into ours.


This course will enable you to rewire your brain to be in possession of the kind of skills you want your child to adopt from you. 


You are the most important tool in the toolbox

We are all connected, and the more intimate we are, the more we are connected. This is highly relevant to the infant relationship. Children are especially susceptible to the emotional states of their caregivers. Before our minds can create our worlds, our world creates our mind. To the extent that we are our child's world, we are also the key influence creating their minds.

“Katherine's calm and thoughtful way of describing even heavy topics is soothing."

Aliz, Kyoto.

Let's talk...right now.

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